Kopshti “Fjala e Jetes” eshte hapur ne vitin 2010, per shkak te vizionit dhe pasionit tone per brezin e ri.
Vizioni i kopshtit tone eshte te edukojme brezin e ri permes disiplines dhe parimeve te shendetshme biblike. Pasioni dhe perkushtimi yne bejne ndryshimin ne punen tone. Jemi shume te interesuar per te ngritur nje brez qe kultivon karakterin,kurajon, dashurine dhe dhembshurine.
Duke njohur cdo femije ,ne i ndihmojme ata te identifikojne talentet dhe dhuratat e ndryshme, duke i dhene mundesi per zhvillimin e tyre!
” Word of Life” kindergarten started in 2010, because of our vision and passion for the new generation.
The vision of our kindergarten is to educate the new generation through discipline and healthy biblical values. Our commitment and passion make the difference in our work. We are very interesting to raise a generation that cultivate character, courage, love and compassion.
Knowing each child, we help them to identify the different gifts and talents, giving them possibilities to their development.
For more information contact us :
Email: entelasylari@fjalaejetes.org
Cel : 0689018977