Kisha ne Saver eshte duke u mbledhur te martave. Kjo kishe u krijua nga vizioni qe ne kemi per te pajisur njerezit e Perendise dhe per tu derguar ne beteja fitimtare per Zotin. Studentet e shkolles biblike kane marre kete mandat dhe kane shkuar kudo qe Zoti I ka folur kishes per te hapur sherbesa te reja , rreth kishes lokale ne Lushnje. Njerezit ne ate fshat jane ndihmuar edhe me ushqime dhe farera bimore per nevojat e tyre shtepiake. Kjo eshte mundesuar nga bashkepunimi i shoqates Amerikane “ Planters”Ky bashkepunim eshte disa vjecar.
Ne mblidhemi ne shtepite e besimtareve dhe kerkojme dhe lutemi per nje ambjent me te madh.
Shërbesa e së kishës ështe të martën ora 15 :30 me drejtues Dorian Gjoni.
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The church in Saver is gathering on Tuesdays. This church started from the vision that we had to be equipped the people of God and send them in victorious battles for the Lord. The Bible school students has received this mandate and have being going everywhere God has spoken to local church to start new ministries ( churches) , around the church in Lushnje. People in this village has been helped with food and seeds for their home needs. These has been made possible by the collaboration of the American Organization “Planters”. This project is from many years, now.
We gather together in the believers home and seek and pray for a bigger place.